For me, Shishu Bhavan is a small beautiful school nestled on the backroads of Goa surrounded withlush green coconut trees holding tremendous love inside for its people. Hi, My Name is Esha Jain and I volunteered for 2 plus years …

For me, Shishu Bhavan is a small beautiful school nestled on the backroads of Goa surrounded withlush green coconut trees holding tremendous love inside for its people. Hi, My Name is Esha Jain and I volunteered for 2 plus years …
School is a house of knowledge, but for me it is an extended family, where along with gaining knowledge, I experienced love, care and understanding from every teacher and the volunteers associated with my school. My journey with Shishu Bhavan …
My name is Asma Khalifnawar. I am very grateful for Shishu Bhavan School because of my two children- Arif and Shabira. Both of my children began their school journey with Shishu Bhavan. It was very pleasant watching them grow into …
I had joined Shishu Bhavan when I was 5 years old. 2 years of studying in the Shishu Bhavan was fabulous. I will always be grateful to miss Rupa, which has made a deep impact on my life and had …