Our school is located just off the Arpora/Anjuna road. Using ‘The Fresh Lobster’ restaurant as a landmark, turn right. The address is: 88 Mainath Batti, Anjuna Road, Arpora, Bardez, GOA. It is a single storey building comprising of an administration office, two classrooms, kitchen and washroom. There is a beautiful veranda where we can observe the children at play in our substantial play area, comprising of swings, climbing frame and slides. The veranda is also used after each class break and play time by the children, who, under supervision wash their hands, and brush their teeth before returning to class. The school numbers have been capped at 50, as we feel that it provides for a safer environment, and more intimate learning experience for the children. We are currently renting the building from a very accommodating and understanding landlord.

Our Children.

Children enrol with us on reaching 3 years and 6 months. They will continue their education in Shishu Bhavan until their 6th birthday, when at this stage they will go on to mainstream schools in the local area. All our children come from three local slums, namely: Agarwaddo, Arpora and Nagoa. Their parents, most of whom have been born and reared here in GOA, are often classified as migrant workers, which is not a very appropriate description. Are they not all Indian citizens ?

Our community.

Can be rightfully acknowledged as a very proud, tight knit, warm, friendly and industrious community. Indeed an old Irish phrase could perhaps best describe the community as ‘Baile Anam Cara’, ‘The Village of Soulmates’. Not only are they proud and loving parents to their children, but there is an great understanding of what a good neighbour is, and that must surely be the envy of most European or indeed worldwide neighbourhoods. The parents of our special children take particular pride in how their children present at school, they are always on time, respectful and place a great emphasis on health and hygiene i.e. the children are always spotlessly clean, tidy school uniform, hair brushed, teeth cleaned etc.

A dream fulfilled !

Determination – Love – Passion

A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. But what happens when you have a dream while awake? Perhaps this may be interpreted as an aspiration, a desire to achieve, or a passion to help. Yes, more probably our ‘waking dreams’ are a longing, a longing to achieve something that will not only challenge you physically but will also challenge the emotions that have seen you embark on a journey! A journey on one of life’s many pathways in pursuit of ‘your dream’.

Providence may just help you on your way, and without knowing, there is probably some other person whose pathway in life will lead you both to the same destination.

Do you both commence your journey in synchronicity, probably not, but you will inevitably reach your destination simultaneously. Without knowing that you both shared a ‘waking dream’ your pathways merge in the most extraordinary way imaginable.  

Shishu Bhavan was born !

Renee Mallardo and Rupa Mandrekar set out to follow their dreams in the hope of helping those who are less fortunate than us. People who, through birth have been introduced to a life that would challenge most people, humble most of us, and then when we are among them will tell you the true story of what the words ‘love, compassion, understanding, and community really mean. Among them, we acknowledge how privileged and blessed we all are.

Here we have an Indian citizen Rupa Mandrekar, one of their own, and Irene Mallardo of Italian descent, with one common purpose in life, to establish a facility for the less fortunate children in our world, a world that has for the most part chosen to ignore how ‘every child must be cherished equally’ and deny them the opportunities in life that are perhaps unintentionally or otherwise reserved for the more privileged children in the world. The 20th and the 21st centuries have seen huge societal change, change that is leaving an indelible imprint on the children of the world. Societal change that impacts greatly on ‘parenthood’, parents who understandably want the best for their children, and who are not prepared to wait until tomorrow to get what their child wants today!  Yes, in this now very materialistic world we live in, we are not prepared to wait anymore. Renee and Rupa, while knowing how important and urgent the realization of their dream was, they themselves had to, and were prepared to wait. Yes, wait until the way became a little less burdensome, and all their aspirations are fulfilled in the way that would best serve the needs of the less privileged children in our world.


The tomorrows of our precious and cherished
Shishu Bhavan children are now very different indeed.

Their dream came true. Shishu Bhavan was born!

Rags to Riches

Srikanth Bolla – Bollant Industries Srikant Bolla, founder, and CEO, Bollant Industries When Srikant Bolla was born, neighbors in the village suggested that his parents smother him. It was better than the pain they would have to go through their lifetime, some said. He is a “useless” baby without eyes… being born blind is a sin, others added. Twenty-three years later, Srikanth is standing tall living by his conviction that if the “world looks at me and says, ‘Srikanth, you can do nothing,’ I look back at the world and say I can do anything.” Srikanth is the Founder and CEO of Hyderabad-based Bollant Industries, an organisation that employs uneducated and disabled employees to manufacture eco-friendly, disposable consumer packaging solutions, which is worth Rs 50 crores. He considers himself the luckiest man alive, not because he is now a millionaire, but because his uneducated parents, who earned Rs 20,000 a year, did not heed any of the ‘advice’ they received and raised him with love and affection. “They are the richest people I know,” says Srikanth.